Friday, May 17, 2019

Stage 8

In one of my classmates recently posted an article attempting to address the issue of Texas's underfunded and poorly financially structured school system( "A Change for the Next Generation" ). I agree with the general idea and intention of modeling our system after Massachusetts' school system, but have reservations about whether or not such an plan is implementable. For one, Texas and Massachusetts differ massively in there tax systems. If you look back at my early blog posts I discuss how schools in Texas actually struggle to pay the very same property taxes that are supposed to fund them. Also, applying this system fails to address the possibility of having a high population but not nearly enough tax money collected to fund the district. This could mean that the state is effectively paying for the maintenance and existence of a portion of the entire school system. Therefore, I suggest that the solution to school funding isn't to reallocate funding to schools, it is first and foremost to remedy our broken taxing system.

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